The spider like fly is described as strange, because of its relatively large size, the males of which can stretch over one cm long legs and covering of yellow hairs, reduced eyes and its nonfunctional wings."
Here u will get to know the latest news, latest research, latest celebrations...So Enjoy!!!
One day in my uni i was going to take my class from the ground..The class was very far away...
I saw a girl with same dressing as me and same haircut...she resembles me alot...she was going before me and i was after her...i was very excited to see her from front so i went after her...but she was walking with speed, i just keep on walking...she went to a place where there is no girl or any person over there...She went to a room...I also went to the room after her but there i saw nothing...Suddenly I started to hear the voices and the whispers. At first, I was certain I was losing my mind. But when objects in the room began to shift, changing from place to place by an unseen hand, I knew I wasn't mad. It was really happening and someone--something was causing it. Then I began to see shadows...The room locked...I shouted but there was no one over there...I started crying and then i fell on the floor...and i then i dont know how someone came over there and helped me...and take me to the hospital...If he didn't come i might not be here writing the story...:(
If you have something happened with you....You can share over here...
There are many food items which have the properties to fight against cancer..Some of them are as follows...
Green Tea
Research have done and have shown that catechins in green tea decreasesthe growth of cancer cells...
Resesach shows that the sulpher present in the garlic protect against the cancer by neutralizing carcinogens..Specially the women should eat garlic twice a week so that it protects from breast cancer...
Resesrch have shown that beans contains protease inhibitors,it is the compounds that make it hard for cancer cells to effect adjacent tissue...It appears to reduce the risk of breast cancer by blocking the tumor-growing influence of estrogen...
Tomatoes are one of the richest sources of lycopene, a flavonoid proven to defend against cancers of the lung, cervix, mouth and prostate...
It is proved in research that berries specially strawberry, blueberries and raspberries are good food from preventing the cells from cancer..
It contains a chemical capsaicin, which may neutralize cancer causing substances called nitrosamines and prevent cancers such as stomach cancer.
It inhibits production of the enzyme cyclo-oxygenase 2 (COX-2),which causes cancer..
As we all know it very well that the brain is the main part of the body, Brain takes fatty acids, vitamins and carbohydrate. The brain takes 20% carbohydrate supply, when brain gets enough sugar supplies it functions wel but when sugar levels become low it doesnot functions tremedously...The food you need are as follow
1. Eggs
Egg is rich in vitamins, proteins and minerals..Two antioxidant are found in egg yoke which are essential for bones and muscles...
2. Advocade
Advocades are important for brain as it increases the flow of blood and keeps the brain healthy...Add advocade in milk and drink that..Provides great energy..
3. Green Tea
Green tea is good for memory, it is good for relaxation and keep you mentally focused..It fights against alot of mental disorders..
4. Chocolate
Research has proved that chocolate is good for brain, it improves the blood vessels functions..It effects the mood and reduces stress of a person..It is helpful in enhansing brain function for people fighting fatigue, sleep deficiency and reduces effects of aging...
5. Garlic
Garlic is important for reducing cholistrol effect and it puts a positve effect on brain..
6. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are ideal food for brain, it helps protecting against damage to the cells and also protects brain for aging...
7. Olive Oil
Olive oil is best for brain, try to use olive oil because it is natural and it also reduces heart desease and fatty acids in brain provide flexibility to brain...
DayDreaming started as a way to escape from some problem for a while when you are awake, This may includes thought about future or some past event or some fantacy, Inshort it is entirely your own world:)
If you have some stories related to you Daydreaming you are welcome to share with me..:)
They tell the energy and iq level of the body so by looking at eyes the doctors can tell about the sickness of a person..People who have eyes far apart are relaxed and tension free but the people with eyes having low gap between two eyes are focused..
In face reading the tip of nose are the sign of wealth, if big nose and sharp tip than the person has wealth..
The lips shows the relationship of that person with the others..A person with thin lips shows that he is very argumentative and a person with thick leaves shows that they are very poliete..
Face Shapes
Our facial shape also tells alot abot us..
Person with Round Face
A person with round face and fleshy face are wealthy and powerful..
People with Pointed Chins
These people are very strong and have physical courage....
People with Long Thin Face
These people are very ambitious but they like to live alone in their own world, they like day dreaming..
This is the news from JOHN HOPKINS that the plastic bottles should not be placed in the fridge and plastic utensils should not be placed in oven..because that produce dioxin that causes cancer. He recomend to use glass bottles and utensils of glass, ceramic etc...So to avoid all the dangerous deseases..nd one more thing he said that to avoid plastic bags, always use paper bags..
Keep Healthy..:)
First the question that arises is that what is swine flu?? The answer for this question is that is the virus which is most common among the pigs..People who are greater incontact with the pigs are effected more by this virus...
A bedroom is the reflection of a personal feelings. While decorating a room you should consider following points..
5. Put curtains to the window, this will provide extra colour to the room or put blinds on window.
By taking into consider the above points you can have a beautiful decorated rooms..
Hey guys hope these tips will be effective for you..If you want some more info...You can ask me...Cheers:)
1. Sometimes the dark nailpolishes when they are applied for a longer time can cause the yellowish stains on the nails..
2. Sometimes a lung desease called the YELLOW NAIL SYNDROM can cause the yellow color of the nails..
But they can be cured, on't apply dark nailpolish for a longer time period, remove it or change it approx after 1 week, and the cure for second option is also available..take proper medications and your discolouration will be resolve.
And if the yellowish color is because of nailpolish it will be grow out as the nail grows..
Not only the care of face is important but also the care for the feet and hands are important as hands are the most seen parts of our body and we can give a good impression if our feet and hands are neat and clean..The good approach for care is manicure and padicure.
A Manicure is a procedure for cleaning of hands by washing or soaking hands,applying hand lotion and shaping of the nails after filing and nail polish application. For home use you can use a scrup which you are using on face
A pedicure involves soaking the feet, applying lotion on them, filing, shaping of nails and nail polish application. For foot care, a coarser body scrub is good.
Hand and foot care means put a daily moisturizer at the minimumand use a cream at bedtime.And last but not the least guys dont forget to use sunscreen...:)
You can't take care of your skin until and unless you are fully aware of your skin type..Following are the skin types u should be aware of:
1. Normal Skin
2.Dry Skin
3.Oily Skin
4.Combinational Skin
We will discuss in detail about the types of skin
1. Normal Skin
In this type you have smooth skin with no oily pathches, no uneven tone, in short you have a good texture guys..You have a clear and even tone..
Basic Care for Normal Skin
Try to cleanse your face twice a day and use a good moisturiser and also a good cleanser. during night use a night cream specially PONDS night cream is best and while going out in sun use SUNBLOCK spf15.
2. Dry Skin
Dry skin cannot retain moisture, it causes cracking. After washing with soap you feel really tight. Dry skin can be genetic, it can be due to drugs intake or the patients of diabeties can also have dry skin..
Basic Care for Dry Skin
Don't use tap water or hot water for face washing, try to use mineral water. Use a cleanser usually Ponds cleanser is excellent for dry skin, using soap can remove natural oils from skin which can cause more damage to the skin..Alovera is also good for dry skin, Use egg yoke, honey and few drops of olive oil as mask..This would be good for skin..
3. Oily Skin
Oily skin is shiny and can have open pores and acne on it, oily skin can also have black heads and white heads on it. The main causes for this type of skin is genetic, diet, humidity and hot weather, pregnancy etc but the greater advantage is that a person skin ages at a lower rate.
Basic Care for Oily Skin
Cleanse you skin twice or thrice a day and always cleanse with hot water as it absorbs moistures. Do massage after 2 days so that extra oil are remove and use clay and mud mask which is good for this skin type..
Parents in all the societies and countries are respected but here in Pakistan they are given a speciall respect cox its promisd by God that if a person wants paradise after his death and also in his life he shoud respect his parents. Man should be kind to his mother and should obey her and should fullfil his need....
My mother she z a wonderful women, she loves us, cooks yummy yummy food for us, give us what we wants, that is a pakistani mother...She is a housewife and totally remains at home she has no concern with the outside world..Her children and her husband mnz our father is her whole life..
She spent all her lyf after marriage with us and give us full attention to be suucceefull in life...
N my DAD, he is of owsum personality, loves us, he is an engineer go outside but in the evening sit with us and talk with us...Inshort both are gorgeous...Just luv them..mmmuuuaahhh:)
Tell me about your parents..how are they??Do they love you???